GW Eye Associates

Picking the Right Reading Glasses: Tips for Patients and Consumers

Mar 19, 2018 @ 10:45 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
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As people get older, their vision goes through a number of changes. By middle age, you may begin to suffer from age-related farsightedness. It will start with you holding reading material further from your face—and we all know how inconvenient it can be to read a book at arm’s length. This age-related farsightedness is known as presbyopia. It’s unavoidable, but using bifocals or getting a pair of reading glasses can help.

The team at our La Jolla, CA optometry and designer glasses center would like to go over a few basics when it comes to picking a pair of reading glasses. This can be a major help if you’re noticing changes to your vision quality right now.

Ready-Made Glasses vs. Custom-Made Glasses

You have two options when it comes to getting reading glasses: a ready-made pair or a custom-made pair.

Why Custom Reading Glasses Are a Better Option

While drugstore reading glasses are inexpensive and ready to wear, they may not be the ideal fit for your eyes. The prescription could be off, resulting in eyestrain and headaches while you’re trying to enjoy a book. The lenses and frames tend to be low quality and do not necessarily complement your face either.

Custom glasses allow a doctor to tailor the lenses and frames to your needs. The prescription will be precise, and you’ll be able to read just fine in a way that drugstore reading glasses cannot guarantee.

Full Vision Exam

A full vision exam is an important part of getting fitted for reading glasses. We can determine how serious your presbyopia has become, and note some unique specifications for your lenses.

In addition, the eye exam may reveal another vision issue that needs to be addressed. Early detection and treatment of an eye problem is the best way to preserve and improve your eyesight and overall eye health.

Deciding on Lens Options

There are different materials that can be used to craft the lenses to a pair of reading glasses. Glass may work for you, but polycarbonate and Trivex lenses are shatter-resistant and lightweight. If you want bifocals rather than just reading glasses, the material can make a difference. We will be more than happy to walk you through this process.

Picking the Right Frames

We offer a wide variety of frames by shape, color, and material. You can go purely functional, or you could try to pick out the right frames to look fashionable and complement your face. Our practice has designer frames available, allowing you to accessories the object around your eyes.

Learn More About Picking Reading Glasses

To learn more about picking the right reading glasses for you and your needs, be sure to contact our team of experienced eye doctors today. We will help you make the right choices when it comes to lenses, frames, and what to do about future vision changes.