GW Eye Associates

Getting Your Children and Teens Eye Exams Before School Starts

Aug 11, 2021 @ 08:08 AM — by Gordon Wong, OD
Tagged with: Children And Teens Eye Exams Before School Starts

The eyes are essential to many everyday functions, including reading and writing. If children and teens suffer from vision impairment or other eye complications, it can make it difficult for them to focus in school and get the most out of their education. 

Getting children and teens eye exams before school starts can determine if there are any health or vision problems that need to be addressed so that they can function at their best. At GW Eye Associates, serving La Jolla, CA, Carmel Valley, CA, and San Diego, CA, our comprehensive eye exams completely screen the eyes to look for any signs of damage or vision impairment.

How Often Do Children and Teens Need Eye Exams?

In general it is recommended that children and teens with healthy eyes and no diagnosed forms of vision impairment schedule routine eye exams once every two years. However, there is no harm in scheduling comprehensive eye exams more regularly. Many optometrists recommend that children and teens have their eyes examined once a year.

Scheduling a comprehensive eye exam prior to the start of a new school year is a good idea. Children and teens often are not aware when vision problems are present, because they grow accustomed to squinting, looking at objects close up, or taking other measures to see clearly. In school, this can be difficult, since students often do not have control over where they sit. It is not uncommon for kids and teens with undiagnosed vision impairment to fall behind in school as a result. By scheduling an eye exam prior to the start of each school year parents can put their children in the position to succeed. 

What to Expect during an Eye Exam

An eye exam is a straightforward procedure that should be completely comfortable for children and teens. During a routine eye exam we evaluate the health and function of the retina and other eye structures, test the clarity of the vision, and check eye movements to see how the eyes work together.

Our observations are made by performing a series of tests and examinations. This includes asking patients to read a series of letters (or objects) off an eye chart, observing the eyes under a slit lamp, or illuminated microscope, and blowing a puff of air onto the eye to measure the intraocular pressure.

The information we collect allows us to determine if there are any eye diseases or other complications that need to be addressed, and if there is any vision impairment that has not been diagnosed. For children and teens that already have a vision prescription, a routine eye exam allows us to determine if we need to make any changes to accommodate for vision changes.

Schedule an Appointment

If your child is getting ready to start another year of school, now is probably a good time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. The optometrists at GW Eye Associates would be happy to meet your eye care needs. To get in touch with our team, send us a message online, or call our office at (858) 454-4699.